About this new blog


I have been blogging for about two years. I used to blog almost everything that I thought could be in my blog, that would be better for flaunting. Like electronic circuits, math problems, philosophy etc etc. It was http://xenoargento.wordpress.com

Few days ago, while logging in my Google Talk, my password didn't match. Suddenly I got a bad feeling about that, and tested all the accounts I have online, and saw that many accounts including my Wordpress account died. It was disappointing. Two years of blogging just froze. I don't know whether they will keep my blog for long, if I stop logging in. I hope they do.

The word Mangosave I first heard in a game named Timeshock: Pro Pinball. There, the ball can be freezed for a brief moment at certain places on the board. This is called MangoSave. It is somewhat an enigmatic feature which doesn't give any special advantages of disadvantages to the players like me (n00b).

The mango is actually the most loved thing in the parts of the world, where I live and play. I just want to enjoy that!

Thus the name MangoSave I think!

Even with my new blog up and running, I am trying to recover my old blog. I cannot leave that to starve.

And talking about the good things; I now have the chance to test the Bloggers more flexible features that Wordpress didn't give me, e.g. JavaScript support, CSS editing etc. The Blogger interface is a bit different, that I will need to time to get used, while the Wordpress interface will be fading from my memories (Unless I recover my old blog). I always love to start something new!

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